Photos René Beaudoin Defoy 1975

“There’s a wonderful secret wholesale place up in the province of Quebec. At least, the dealers who know about it try to keep it secret. It’s in the tiny town of Defoy, just off the superhighway that runs northeast from Montreal to Quebec City about three fifths of the way from Montreal going up toward Quebec. There’s just a little directional sign pointing to your right, so don’t miss it. Only a gravel road. But about half mile down it you will come to the wonderful “antiques dump” of René Boudin (Beaudoin) and his freres . And here under enormous sheds you will find literally acres of antique furniture, chests and tables piled three to five pieces high. And when I drove up one spring morning a few years ago I found eleven trucks in line ahead of me—with license plates from all over the U.S. And the frères were loading one after another…. » Extrait du livre “The Furniture Doctor” by George Grotz vendu à plus de 300 000 exemplaires aux USA et Canada:

Photos Fonds Ministère des Communications, René Baillargeon

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